Friday, April 26, 2019

A Banner is Unfurled Vol II

Book Series: A Banner is Unfurled
Title:              Be Still My Soul
Author:         Marcie Gallacher & Kerri Robinson
Publisher:     Covenant
Publishing date: 2006
Pages:           322
Number of Chapters: 18
This volume spans about two years-Nov 1832-July 1834

*Chapter Notes at end of book*

Dedicated to David Johnson, the authors' third great uncle

Letter to the Readers (summarized)

Dear Readers,
    Since all history is fiction we have done our best to create a meaningful story of faith and endurance out of all the mundane facts and family history records and journals. As we filled in the missing pieces we better understood those who really lived, as human as ourselves. In this book, we will cover the family's move to Kirtland and their interactions with prominent, early church names. Seth, Almon and Lyman did go with Zion's camp and the Johnson family, like so many families today both past and present, experienced devastating sorrow and triumph. We share our version of their story with hope your lives will be touched, changed and illuminated as ours.
(no letter closing just...) Marcie Gallacher
                                       Kerri Robinson 

Family Chart/The Children (living)

1. Joel Hills Johnson born 1802 (married Annie, 1826)  2 living children-Sixtus and Sariah
2. Nancy b. 1803
3. Seth b. 1805
4. Delcena born 1806 (married Lyman Sherman, 1829) 3 living children Alvira (her twin brother died shortly after their births) Mary and Albey
5. Julianne b. 1808
6. David b. 1810
7. Almera b. 1812
8. Susan b. 1814
9. Joseph b. 1817
10. Benjamin b. 1818
11. Mary b. 1820
12. George b. 1823
13. William b. 1824
14. Esther b. 1827
15. Amos b. 1829


Thank you-shout outs-to husbands, family and friends for their support and knowledge, also thanks to Kelby Hutchings and Jamie Gallacher, descendants of Ezekiel and Julia Johnson who modeled for the cover. And thanks to Covenant staff for bringing this project to fruition.

Chapter 1
Poem by Joel Hills Johnson "Oh, Lord, in Thee I Take Delight"
November 1832-Pomfret, New York

    Nancy is 29, eldest daughter of Julia and Zeke, she sleeps on a bed in the front room due to her disability. She has light brown hair and gray eyes (only one in the family, the rest have varying shades of brown) which grow moist with unshed tears as she overhears her parents' conversation in the kitchen. Her father triumphantly announces he sold the farm and they will be moving next year in the spring. Nancy reaches for her crutches and pulls herself up and out of the bed. The pain shooting through her hip reminds her of her fall from a horse three years ago. She intends to join her parents in the kitchen, but the conversation grows more tense for Julia does not wish to move anywhere except Kirtland where the Saints are while Ezekiel won't have his family taken from him because of some silly religious beliefs. Both leave the house in anger and frustration.
   Since her mother left the kettle of soap on the table, Nancy takes over the task of ladling the smelly mixture into the molds before the entire batch hardens and is no good.
   In Ohio, Benjamin is milking the cow when Almon informs him there's someone outside the barn waiting to see him. It's Seth and Benjamin is very happy to greet the spiritual leader of the family, the man who taught him in the schoolhouse and who is now here to take him home to New York and the rest of the family. To Benjamin's relief, Seth's dark eyes are clear and calm. His mind is better, he is no longer troubled by mental anguish.
   Joel and Seth discuss the latest news. Seth informs his older brother of the property Brother Joseph showed and counseled him to purchase for Mother and the rest of the family in preparation for the desired move to Kirtland. Joel sold his sawmill back in New York so he can help contribute to the purchase of the land. Both hope their father, full of plans to move the family to Fort Dearborn soon-to-be-renamed-Chicago will understand if none of his children wish to relocate there with him.

*Chapter Notes* state the conversation in the last book between Joseph and Seth was fictional but the prophet did "counsel" Joel (not Seth) about purchasing property in the Kirtland area. Salt Lake Trib-like, Nancy Johnson also got her name in the local newspaper but it was not favorable as the article points out "Mormon preachers were unable to heal Nancy Johnson...they also failed to raise one of their missionaries, Brackenberry, from the dead, (a complete falsehood) and so the flames of contention continued to be fanned in New York.

Chapter 2
Poem by Joel Johnson "Take my Yoke..."
Three days later-Pomfret, New York

     Joseph Johnson is 15 and has an old Indian friend he likes to hang out and spend time with. This elder shares with the boy some of the history of the area, how Lake Chautauqua got its name. They also discuss religion. His people refer to the white man's Christian God as "the sacred mystery" and when it comes to understanding Mother Earth and Father Sun, it is up to the heart of every man to decide what to believe.
   Lyman and Delcena are currently boarding with Lyman's cousin, Philastus "Doctor" Hurlbut. They have a new baby and two small children so the house gets a bit unsettled sometimes and while Philastus (good naturedly) continues to put up with it, he asks Lyman-how can he stand it? Lyman is just grateful his lively children are all well and healthy. Lyman is especially grateful for this as Philastus learned of another outbreak of the deadly smallpox and local residents are blaming it on "the Mormons." Philastus leaves the house on some personal business, adding to Lyman he will probably stay elsewhere tonight-no hard feelings-so Lyman and his family can have full reign of the house and he can have some quiet.
   Shortly afterwards, there is a knock at the door revealing two men who introduce themselves as Brigham Young and Heber Kimball. Both are warmly welcomed into the house this evening to stay the night. Both men are recent converts, on their way West to Ohio to meet the prophet. With the children asleep, Delcena joins them as they share their conversion stories-Brigham studied the Book of Mormon for two years before finally deciding it was true. His wife was baptized but recently died, leaving him with two girls who are currently being cared for by family. Delcena excuses herself to bed and the three men experience speaking in tongues before they too finally retire. Delcena overheard the entire experience and her faith is strengthened because of it.

*Chapter Notes* a letter written years later by Benjamin Johnson, who most likely heard the story from another family member, states Brigham Young did, indeed, call upon his brother-in-law's house where they stayed the night and spoke in tongues, a first-time experience for all which served to strengthen their testimonies. Brigham Young History also backs up this story to some extent, though no names are given or the location where he did "speak in tongues" while traveling at that time.

Chapter 3
Short poem by Joseph Johnson about fun Autumn activities-apple harvesting and kissing pretty girls!
Pomfret, New York

     Joseph Johnson and his "special friend" Miss Rachel, discuss his new religious beliefs. Due to pressure, he is no longer attending the local school but helping his older sister Juli teach a small winter school of their Mormon friends and associates. Rachel misses him at school, is sorry he cannot pursue his dream of one day becoming a doctor, unless he continues his education. Holding hands, they run to a place where some of the last of the summer greens still grow. Rachel kisses him on the cheek, lacking the heart to confess to him another boy is currently courting her and she will probably marry him.
   Benjamin cherishes this time with everyone's favorite older brother-he has Seth all to himself as they walk to Pomfret discussing many things. Seth counsels his younger brother to have faith so they can all be together when it comes time to move to Kirtland. He describes meeting the prophet (Ben was so busy helping Joel he never got a chance to travel to Kirtland and meet him)
   Five days later, the two sons are nearly stampeded by their Johnson clan rushing out of the house to greet them, crying and laughing and hugs all around! Everyone sits down to dinner.
   Twenty four year old Julianne watches the scene with amusement as everyone wants Ben and Seth's attention: twelve year old Mary hounds Ben to come out to the barn with her so she can show him how well she can drive the old ox while Joel wants to catch his younger brother up on all the local gossip. Ben hands Juli her letter, she slips quietly off to read it, alone. It is a long letter from Almon pouring his heart out, begging Juli to wait for him to grow up just a little bit more so he can provide for her. He is only nineteen (but his mind is older!) but one day he will be a successful attorney. They can marry and live in Kirtland with the rest of the saints.
   Eighteen year old Susan knocks and Juli shares the contents of the letter, worried Susan might be hurt if she accepts Almon's proposal to court her. Susan reassures her sister, she loves Almon like a brother. Marry him, she urges Juli.

*Chapter Notes* Rachel is a fictional character based on a real young woman who did correspond with Joseph through letters which the family kept so he may have had a love interest once! The family history is also silent on exactly how Almon and Julianne got together so this letter was created to bridge the gap, but it is believed their mutual attraction to each other probably began around this time.

Chapter 4
Short verse by Joseph Johnson about "they" who watch over him (meaning deceased family and friends)

    Ezekiel arrives at the house to see his children. He's a little hurt Seth and Ben are home and never bothered to send word or came over to see him in Fredonia where he's staying. He is also troubled by a newspaper article from Ohio naming Joel Johnson as one of the Mormon missionaries forcing young, innocent girls to join the "cult" church and taking all their money.
   Almera is troubled by her father's attitude as well as the newspaper article. She remembers the day when the minister's son courted her but they had to break up because of her new religion. While she does not regret her decision, she longs for a good man in her life to whom she can be married who shares her beliefs.
    Joe tries to enjoy a town bazaar, gas lighting illuminating the town square (this is historically correct, the town was one of the first in the United States to discover a natural gas well and use it to provide this service to the town). A local band just finished playing and merchants have set up small tables to sell their wares. Joe's Indian friend is here too but when Joe's friends give him a hard time about him being one of those Mormons they read about in the paper, a scuffle breaks out. Seth and Ben help Joe home. Everyone is asleep but Susan left something for Joseph, a newspaper clipping and a note wondering if the author of the clipping-AMICUS-might not be a certain younger 15 yr old of their acquaintance. Next morning Susan brings a very tired and sore Joe a breakfast tray so they can talk.
   Downstairs, over breakfast, Father Ezekiel is not very happy learning his sons were the victims of the anti-Mormon scuffle in town last night especially when two of them aren't even official baptized members yet! The rest of the family reminds their father, while they do honor him, they intend to follow their mother to Kirtland. The older sons want their father to understand this, but Ezekiel overrides them. No religion is going to divide this family! He shouts this at his sobbing children, some of whom get up from the table and leave. Julianne gathers two of the younger children to comfort them while Mother Julia bows her head over folded hands in her lap and says nothing. All she can do is pray.

Chapter 5
Very short verse by George Johnson
February 5, 1833

    With the threat of smallpox in the area, Philastus and even Delcena urge Lyman to move away from here to Kirtland but, as the leader of the branch of the church, Lyman feels it is his duty to remain here.
   One week later, Philastus is investigating a certain Spaulding manuscript. Four days after that, he and Joel are in Kirtland checking out the property the family wants to purchase. Philastus wants in on this too. Boarding with the Johnson family would be an excellent way to keep tabs on Joseph Smith who is currently living in a small "apartment" of rooms over the Whitney store. Taking leave of Joel, Philastus happens upon some young girls, daring each other to cross a wooden plank over a small millpond behind the store. One girl doesn't make it and falls in. Philastus plays rescuer. The friend of this girl is named Lovina-pretty, popular, and even better she is the daughter of a prominent member of the church. Her father-Dr. Fredrick G. Williams!-is a close, personal friend to the prophet. After examining the young girl, Dr. Williams is pleased to meet the rescuer of his daughter's friend. Oozing charm, Philastus suggests he would be more than happy to escort Miss Lovina home this afternoon. He flirts with Lovina who laughs and chats pleasantly with him, declaring she could never marry any man who isn't an elder in the church.
    Next day, Philastus attends a meeting in the upper room of the store where many of the men light pipes and chew tobacco. Joel Johnson is one of them. Philastus notes the glow of Brother Joseph as he enters the room, holding a piece of paper on which a brand new revelation has just been written by Dr. Williams-Joseph's current  scribe. It is the future Section 89 Word of Wisdom revelation. Joel is one of the first to put out his pipe. Marveling at such power, Philastus wonders inwardly if Joseph Smith is just a good actor or if he really IS a prophet.

Chapter 6
Verse by Benjamin Johnson
Early March 1833

    It is time, Ezekiel is off to Fort Dearborn soon-to-become-Chigaco. Nancy weeps as she hugs her Papa goodbye telling him she loves him. David will drive his father to the water boat docks. Julia is already dreading the day her husband will send word for her and the younger children to come join him. She is heartbroken over the price of peace this will cost both of them. Her husband's eyes are bloodshot from last night's final visit to the local tavern. They just don't share the same standards and interests anymore. Ezekiel tells her to come as soon as he sends word.
   Walking with his friend to a city where he intends to inquire about entrance into law school, Almon reflects on his life. He WILL marry into the Johnson family, despite a grumpy atheist father-in-law who drinks a little too much.
   Arriving in Detroit, Zeke overhears talk of Mormons in the area-the miracles that supposedly follow this sect-and walks out of the tavern in disgust. No miracles for HIS family, no thanks to this religion.

March 13, 1833
     Philastus meets with Joseph feigning interest in the restoration and admits it's an incredible story. He informs Joseph, in all seriousness, if he ever finds out Joseph is lying about any of this, he will kill him. Equally sober, Joseph responds he's heard such threats before and doesn't blame him, he wouldn't believe it himself if he hadn't experienced it. He urges Philastus to fast, pray and gain his own testimony from God if this is not all true. He invites him to the next meeting of the School of the Prophets which Philastus attends. He partakes of the sacrament and observes Joseph washing everyone's feet, himself included which also makes him feel a bit uncomfortable (like Judas Iscariot?) POV then shifts to John Murdock also attending this meeting whose twins he gave to Joseph and Emma when his wife died in childbirth. He weeps at the ordinance. He will stand by Joseph until his dying day.

April 12, 1833
Jamestown, New York
      Due to the smallpox scare townspeople have taken it upon themselves to close off the "Mormon Quarter" of town where all have been quarantined. No one is allowed in or out and guards have been posted at all road accesses. Seth and David, nevertheless, still manage to sneak in to visit their brother in law. After a good supper, the men want to return back to town, visit old friends who will surely accept the gospel. Determined to try, David sneaks past the guards while Seth, Lyman and the other Elders distract them. When all step forward to pass, David tackles the guards from behind and all get away.
    The meetings are successful and the men are invited back the next night to preach again of this new religion which means they will have to return to Lyman's to spend the night. Their friends row them across the lake bordering the quarantined section so they can sneak back in without any trouble. Their friends promise to meet and bring them back out the same way tomorrow.

*chapter notes* It is historically accurate that Jamestown (near Pomfret, New York) was quarantined off by suspicious locals fearing "the Mormons" were the cause of the smallpox outbreak. A watchman was appointed to secure the entrance-he was mean and carried a big stick!

Chapter 7
Poem by Joel Hills Johnson beseeching heaven to know and do the Lord's will
April 1833

     Ezekiel dictates a letter to a man who promises to take it to Pomfret, New York and deliver it personally to the tavern keeper who will see it gets to his wife. The man ends up losing the letter on the Lake Michigan Steamer during the journey and never bothers to inform Ezekiel of the incident.
    It is now May 1833 and while the family has grown increasingly concerned not to have heard from Father, they are pleased to receive a letter from Joel and Annie in Kirtland urging them to come as soon as they can. For Julia, it is decided. They will leave Ezekiel in God's hands and move themselves to Kirtland.
    The journey will be made with another family, the Smiths-cousins to Joseph Smith and his family-they have a son, George Albert (for whom HIS grandson will be the 8th prophet and president of the church!) Benjamin can't help but feel a bit envious at this ideal family with a mother and father who stay together and especially a father who believes in God and doesn't drink and yell at his family. Ben declares, once they reach Kirtland, he plans to go north and join his father. Joe pens his last AMICUS letter to the newspaper. Goodbyes are said to their friends and neighbors (including Mrs. Bull the midwife) and the Johnsons are on their way.

Chapter 8
Three very short lines by Joseph Johnson
June 1, 1833

     When the family arrives in Kirtland, the prophet Joseph Smith himself steps out of the Whitney store so he can meet the entire family. Full of warmth he shakes Julia's hand with a prophetic promise her sacrifice to bring her family to Kirtland was not in vain. He is sorry Father Johnson is not here for he remembers meeting him (in the last book) and found him to be a rough but honest speaking man-the kind he likes best! Julia watches this man of God take time to greet all the older children-the younger ones are asleep in their respective wagons.
   A shriek of joy is heard and Brother Joseph laughs as Annie comes running to greet her favorite in-laws. Later that night, unable to sleep, Julia joins Seth and Joel on the front porch where they talk of the events of this day and what the family will plan to do. If Ezekiel has not sent word by next month, some of the older sons will travel up to Chicago to look for him. Joel opens a piece of paper and reads aloud the newest revelation the prophet received (D&C 95) about the building of the temple. The Lord wants his people to stop stalling and get started immediately. Joseph wants strong men to oversee the brick kiln and since David and his younger brothers have had experience firing bricks they will all be very busy in the coming months. Julia feels the spirit burn within her. She did the right thing in bringing her children where resides a prophet of God to be part of the building up of His kingdom!
   Two days later, word comes that Philastus Hurlbut has been excommunicated. Seth speaks to Brother Joseph personally about it. It seems Philastus left to serve a short mission but got involved with a woman instead before deserting his mission entirely. No one knows where he is, therefore, he was excommunicated. Seth knows his brother-in-law Lyman Sherman (married to Delcena back in NewYork) will be devastated to hear this news.
   David meets his two best friends, Don Carlos Smith (the prophet's youngest brother) and Almon who is anxious to see Julianne and welcome her to Kirtland. He is teased about it by his friends. David suggests, after the meeting, they return with him to the family home for lunch. At the meeting Brother Joseph and those in attendance discuss the building of the Lord's house-the location and materials that will be needed to construct it. The church is very poor and it will take incredible sacrifice from all.
   At the house the older daughters, including lame Nancy, help serve lunch and share the latest news. The men recently visited some of Mother Johnson's kin near Cincinnati. Everyone agrees building the Lord's House is top priority right now. They also discuss the recent excommunication of their cousin-in-law speculating if the rumor of his inappropriate conduct with women are true. Remembering her painful encounter (see the last book) despite it taking place nearly four years ago, Almera grows increasingly uncomfortable hearing the gossip, abruptly she stands up and exits the room leaving Julia and the other women to question Susan who says nothing about the confidence she promised to keep but does share her opinion that cousin Philastus is not to be trusted. She adds, with Father's absence, they should strongly reconsider their planned invitation that Philastus stay here upon his return. The other women agree while the older brothers promise Susan if any man were to threaten the virtue of one of their sisters, they would have them to reckon with!
   Philastus does return to the area but is met coldly by his first "girlfriend" Lovina, daughter of Frederick G. Williams, who doesn't kiss him back. Has he not heard what happened? He is excommunicated from the church! No respectable woman, including his family members, will have anything to do with him now. She coldly suggests he leave before her mother and father return and turn him out themselves. Cursing Joseph Smith and this church, Philastus makes his exit. Blinking back tears, the young woman watches as one of the most handsome and eligible bachelors departs from her life forever.

Chapter 9
Poem by Joel Hills Johnson about the joy a sinner can find through repentance and baptism
June 21, 1833

       For two weeks Philastus Hulburt has played the part of repentant sinner. Now he stands before a council with "heartfelt" penitence and crocodile tears. Nearly all the brethren in the room believe he is sincere and that he should be granted re-baptism and a second chance. Joseph would like to believe him but he keeps these thoughts to himself.
      A few days later Philastus seeks out Lovina Williams again to inform her of his restored membership, confident she will agree to resume their dating and courtship. He is surprised to find her entertaining another young man. They go off alone to talk. Lovina informs him she no longer wants anything to do him and has already agreed to marry this other young man.
     Philastus next seeks out another young woman in another town in Ohio, a distant relation whom he also "courted" with intentions of marriage but she too no longer trusts him and shows him the door. Again, Philastus curses Joseph Smith, the church, and all foolish enough to blindly follow such men.
    In Pomfret, NY Lyman Sherman is startled by a man approaching his house with a gun inquiring about his family. It is Ezekiel! The letter never arrived, Lyman explains. Ezekiel is not happy learning this. Ezekiel will leave right away for Kirtland. Lyman offers to travel with him as far as Thompson, Ohio where he has family. It doesn't help when Eziekiel learns what happened with Philastus who is now rumored to be stirring up trouble for Joseph Smith. He is more anxious than ever to retrieve his family from Kirtland and move them away from all this silly religious nonsense.
   It is almost midnight when Ezekial is stabling his mule at the Johnson home in Kirtland when his son Joe, who saw the light in the barn and came to investigate, is happy to greet his father. Father Johnson remarks how much his son has grown. He and Julia then have a tender reunion in Julia's bedroom where he gently awakens her to let her know of his arrival. She is very happy to see him. In another room, Joe wakes Ben to tell him the happy news but both agree they should let the rest of the family sleep and everyone can welcome Papa home tomorrow morning.

*chapter notes* Sources report Philastus did "court" at least two different women including Dr. Williams' beautiful daughter, Lovina. Many believed he left the church and the area because of her rejection of him.

Chapter 10
Two short lines by George Johnson-that's it.

     It is the following morning. Mary leads the younger children (and Sixtus the only grandchild old enough to understand what's going on. He and his mother Annie along with Delcena Sherman also live here in the large house in Kirtland) to gather outside their parents' bedroom door, whispering and giggling asking each other if they should all burst in or wait and if Papa will be mad. Suddenly Father Johnson bursts out, roaring like the lovable "Papa Bear" he is. The children squeal and scatter as he hugs and tickles. Observing on the stairs are Mary, David, Seth, Joe, Julianne, Almera and Susan. Each take a turn embracing their beloved father and patriarch. Delcena enters with the baby and Father Johnson has a letter for her from Lyman. Joel emerges from his and Annie's room to greet his father. Nancy hobbles out on her crutches for a special reunion with "dear Papa" and while this tableau is truly a peice of heaven on earth, Zeke knows he could never live here permanently. He and Julia have a heated discussion about it later that day in the yard. He will not force them to move to Chicago, he knows when he is outnumbered and goes instead to the tavern in nearby Mentor to ease the conflict in his heart threatening to tear him in two.
    At the temple brick kiln, Dan Carlos, David and Almon have been working night and day tending the fires but the poor quality of the local clay is discouraging. The elder Johnson sisters (including Julianne) come with a picnic supper which is spread out and enjoyed by all. Almon is especially happy to see his girlfriend. The young folks talk of recent issues and play a few games including JACK'S ALIVE! The game is played by taking a live stick from the fire and passing it around the circle. When the last spark from "Jack" goes out, the loser consents to either getting a mustache or some other facial hair drawn on his or her face by the charcoal or a girl can give a boy a hairpin, brooch, or stocking. Nearly everyone gets the penalty and there is much laughter and teasing until Julianne ends up with "Jack." Almon playfully asks for...not a token from her person or even a kiss (as the rest are urging them to do) but her hand in marriage! Juli suggests they take a walk where they can speak in private about this new turn in their relationship. She fears if trials and hardships come, will they be strong enough to stay married and not give up? Almon assures her they are! Juli accepts his proposal with a tender kiss.
    Later that night, lying on their bedrolls at the kiln (Almon is taking first watch, as agreed, for when he heard his beloved was coming he ran off to clean himself up at the nearby river leaving his friends with all the work!) Don Carlos shares with David his news that in three days, his brother, the Prophet, wants him ordained an elder so he can assist in setting the temple cornerstones at the ceremony to take place very soon. It is a great honor and he would have his best friend there to share in his ordination. David wouldn't miss it for the world. And one day, he tells Don Carlos, he hopes also to be worthy to be ordained an Elder in the church, if it is God's will.

Chapter 11
Short poem by Joel Hills Johnson about Zion
June 23, 1833

    Today is the day of Don Carlos, age 17, ordination to office of Elder. Dressed in his Sunday best, David is also here in the Smith home to witness the beautiful blessing spoken by Father Smith. (There are no records David Johnson was actually here but the authors thought it would make a nice addition to the story)
   At the cornerstone laying ceremony, Julia and others weep feeling the spirit. A hymn is sung (one we no longer have in our hymnal). 200 yards away Ezekiel stands under a tree, observing, holding a bottle. Two Methodists pass commenting on these Mormonites and their earnest (deluded?) endeavors.
    Brigham Young is also here in Kirtland, planning to settle but first he stopped by Lyman Sherman's newly purchased piece of land to offer his free labor as Lyman needs to get a cabin raised so he can move his family out of the crowded Johnson house. Naturally, Father Johnson helps erect the cabin too and as he works alongside Brigham Young, he is impressed with the hard working man who doesn't say much but when he does it is something worth listening to.

August 10,1833
     Bad news from Jackson County, Missouri. Tensions rising between Mormons and locals on the very day cornerstones were laid for the temple in Kirtland. Seth, David and Don Carlos talk of it while tending the bricks, determined not to loose hope. Zion WILL be established!
   A few days later, Philastus is speaking at the Methodist church about Joseph Smith and his religion and it probably won't be positive. Father Johnson wants to go hear what he has to say, Lyman also wants to go and Almon offers to go with him for moral support. What Lyman hears at the meeting troubles him greatly as Philastus announces he can prove Joseph Smith a fraud with the Spaulding manuscript which proves the Book of Mormon is not true. Unable to stand these lies, Lyman leaves as Philastus is wrapping up his remarks. Seeing his cousin exiting, Philastus closes the meeting and excuses himself so he can confront Lyman, Almon and Father Johnson outside. Lyman is very troubled and warns his cousin of the dark, dangerous road he has set himself on if he doesn't repent. Almon backs up Lyman. Philastus is a proud, arrogant man-it takes one to know one, Almon says, for he battles his own similar demons everyday. With that, Almon turns and leaves. Ezekiel makes a mental note when this boy comes asking for his daughter Julianne's hand in marriage he already has his permission.

Chapter 12
Poem by Joel Hills Johnson praising unnamed youth who died too young
October 4, 1833

     David, Almon and Don Carlos go hunting at the invitation of the prophet himself who suggests the much needed break from the brick kiln. The four men shoot some fowl and while the other two go retrieve the duck that Brother Joseph shot, Joseph takes this opportunity to counsel with David, reassuring him he IS worthy to be ordained an Elder, if that is his desire. Joseph encourages him to pray and meditate so he can receive his own assurance from God. David coughs (he may be coming down with a cold thanks to all the smoke from the kiln) and agrees. Just then, another man also hunting in the area approaches them. He is not a member of the church and jokingly asks Joseph Smith for a revelation. Joseph tells him while revelations come from God, in 40 days stars will fall from the heavens. The man laughs and promises to keep an eye on the skies.
    In the middle of the night, Seth is awakened by David's death-like rattle as he struggles to breathe.
With a brave smile, David assures Seth his fever and vomiting aren't as bad as it seems. Seth hands him a clean handkerchief and goes to empty the chamber pot hiding his alarm at the blood-spotted handkerchief. David is dying and Nancy, sitting downstairs in the kitchen unable to sleep, is especially upset learning this. David is her favorite brother and they have always been very close.
   Next morning, Ezekiel is equally troubled by the news. He fetches Dr. Frederick G. Williams who comes with Don Carlos. The doctor admits he's not sure if it's consumption or just pneumonia. He thumps David's chest. David reacts by gushing blood from his nose and mouth. The family is devastated. Unable to bear this any longer, Ezekiel turns and exits the house. Julianne rushes after him. Seth holds his mother while she weeps.
   Weeks follow as David convalesces. He drinks the medicinal teas prescribed by the doctor. Don Carlos comes over to visit every evening. Almon does not. When Julianne confronts him, he admits he's not strong enough to bear such a deathbed scene and with such a crowd of loving family surrounding him...Almon fears he'd just be in the way.

Wednesday Oct 30, 1833
      Almon arrives just in time for what will be his last chance to see his best friend. Don Carlos is already here, of course but Almon urges the others to go to bed while he takes over caring for David. He and Don Carlos talk and David sleeps until he awakens suddenly and everyone knows the end is here. The family is called, David already said many of his goodbyes earlier that night to his beloved mother, Seth and Nancy before they retired to get some sleep. He speaks in tongues, Don Carlos interprets later that David was escorted by those from the other side to his heavenly mansion. He is at peace. While the rest of the family is sad, Ezekiel throws himself on his son's chest weeping.
    Later that next afternoon, Almon and Juli have a moment alone as Almon takes his leave outside. Juli weeps in his arms, begging Almon never to leave her. Almon tenderly promises he won't, besides, he promised David he would look after his beloved sister.
   Details of David Johnson's funeral are printed in the Evening and Morning Star.

*chapter notes* The authors took some license placing Joseph's "revelation" which was true but inserted into this fictional setting. The very first edition of The Evening and Morning Star as prepared by Oliver Cowdery and Don Carlos included David Johnson's obituary.

Chapter 13
short poem by Joel Hills Johnson about truth and light
November 4, 1833

     Joseph is home from a successful mission to Canada! Emma is very happy to see him. She reports on the health and activities of their two children (adopted) Julia and little baby Joseph who just took his first step while Joseph was away but...Emma smiles, such is the life of a prophet. Hearing the sad news of David passing, Joseph hurries back out the door to visit the grieving family. He finds Father Johnson in the front room of Julia's house and weeps with him, holding this good man tormented by bitterness towards God and who could blame him.
    Also grieving for his friend, troubled by his fiance's depression over the loss of her beloved brother, Almon is invited to go hunting by a friend. They get lost in the woods as it grows dark. Ironically, they find the cabin of the same man David and Joseph met on that last hunting trip. The man invites them to stay the night and feeds them a warm supper. Learning these two men are Mormons, he relays the story. Almon makes the connection and is offended this man would doubt a prophet of God's words.They just happen to glance outside where, to their wondering awe, the starts ARE falling from the sky in a spectacular meteor shower-just as the Prophet Joseph foretold! Almon pictures his friend up in heaven, laughing with a "Told you so!"
    Annie awakens and sees the spectacle and is comforted. Mother Julia also wakes up her family to see it. She and Nancy and the others all believe it a sign from David and imagine he is up there right now, throwing some of those stars for their amusement. Hundreds of miles away in Missouri, saints who have been driven and persecuted are awakened by shouts to see the signs in heaven and are comforted. Back in Kirtland, Joseph and Oliver remark on this sign of the Lord's Second Coming. They do not yet know of the terrible plight of their fellow Missouri saints.

*chapter notes* aside from Almon's fictional part in that segment, the rest of the story is true about two Mormon men (one unnamed, the other was partial owner of the brickyard) getting lost in the woods while hunting and spending the night at the same man's home who met the prophet and was told this "revelation" which everyone all over the populated USA at the time witnessed, many believing it to be an act of God. The feelings of the saints in Jackson County, Missouri were also recorded and used here in the narration.

Chapter 14
Very short verse by Joel Johnson

     It is now late November. After months of publicly bragging, speaking of what he intended to do, D.P. Hulburt succeeded in purchasing the Spaulding manuscript from the author's widow but as he sits in his hotel room looking it over, Philastus realizes his entire plan has failed-there is absolutely no resemblance to the Book of Mormon here, no way he can use this to prove Joseph Smith's book is false. No one will take him seriously. All he can do now is work to alter the credibility of Joseph Smith.
    Back in Kirtland, Brother Joseph greets young Benjamin Johnson who came to the Whitney store looking for older brothers Seth and Joel. The Prophet tells him they are out scouting for a good site by the river for a sawmill and offers to walk with him to find them. Ben blushes furiously at this special attention from the prophet and they have a nice chat for the boy would like to be baptized but his father won't let him until he is older. Brother Joseph tells him not to lose hope.
   Back at the store, Ben and Joel take their leave to return to the house while the rest of the men enter where Mother Smith is waiting with disturbing news from Missouri. Saints persecuted and driven like cattle, in desperate need of help. Joseph  is devastated by the news.

December 12, 1833
     Annie delivers a healthy baby boy with a rather nervous Juli as her only help. Almon is here but is in the front room/kitchen tending to young Sariah, amusing her so she won't be underfoot. In the other room, Juli can't help yearning for her and Almon's first bundle of joy. Annie will name her son Nephi, it was already decided months earlier.
    As they walk back to the Johnson home, Juli is anxious to marry soon while Almon fights the urge to run. He would prefer he had something for them to start out with first, he's not even been accepted to a law school yet and would build his family a fine house so they could live in comfort. Juli would rather get started on the baby-making process!
   With Philastus back in town, stirring up trouble (hearing the news of David's death and seeing Father Johnson's grief doesn't help either) he announces to the tavern they should all storm the temple those fool Mormons are erecting and destroy Joseph Smith once and for all! The crowd roars approval. Ezekiel slips out the back to warn Joseph who appreciates his concern and promises to take adequate measures.
    It is now January of 1834 and Lyman is on his way to a jail in a nearby town. Philastus foolishly landed himself in jail for making threats against an innocent man's life but Philastus is not sorry, in fact he's making plans upon his release, after the trial, to continue speaking out against Joseph Smith's character. Lyman is very sorry. He wishes aloud he had never baptized his cousin into the church. Philsatus warns Lyman to keep his family indoors tonight. May God have mercy on this man's soul, Lyman says aloud as he takes his leave.
    Back at the Johnson home, Seth enters, having returned from checking on the temple and other saints' homes, including Delcena where no threats were carried out after all. The family sighs but Ezekiel is cynical and upset-how long will they continue to endure this? Better to give it up and move away from such trials-if only to save their own lives. He is sick and tired of losing his children to this foolish religion. And with that, Ezekiel storms out of the room to his own separate bedroom. Julia retires to her own room to cry herself to sleep.

*chapter notes* Philastus Hulburt did purchase the Spaulding manuscript with every intention of publishing it with a promise of part of the royalties going to the Spaulding family. This never came to pass and while it is fictional having Ezekiel warn the Prophet, being a non-member, his character was such that it is possible he may have gotten word of the planned mob actions and warned those he was friendly with. It is recorded that Joseph and other prominent leaders of the church got themselves bodyguards for their own protection from this time forth.

Chapter 15
Two stanzas by Joel about Zion
February 1834
    Julia has just gathered her family for Bible reading and evening prayers when a knock sounds at the door. It is Samuel "Sam" Prescott, a large handsome man with blue eyes and dark blonde hair who was introduced a few chapters ago when Father Johnson arrived in the area. Seeing his family wasn't going to move he set up a carpentry bench for himself in Mentor with Sam who expressed interest in meeting some of his single daughters. He is smitten with Almera and while he's not interested in joining the family for a religious meeting, he is here to formally ask for permission to call on Almera who demurely declines. Sam promises to return when warmer weather comes and takes his leave. The younger siblings immediately start teasing her, mimicking the man's words and the compliments he paid their lovely older sister.
   Weeks later, Joseph Smith is putting together the group of men who will be known as "Zion's Camp" they plan to leave in the spring (May 1834) Lyman Sherman, Seth and Almon will go, much to the dismay of the Johnson family especially Julianne who wants to marry now. Almon agrees but Seth takes Almon aside to chastise him about boasting publicly of his plans to marry his sister when he hasn't even formally asked their father for her hand yet. Other friends are also planning to marry their sweethearts but not until after they return from this "quest" having proved themselves worthy-if they make it back alive which is why everyone is so worried. No worries, Almon reassures Seth, he's willing to wait until after they return-and he WILL return-Almon has no plans to die during this trip and he'll keep both eyes on Seth and Lyman so they don't die either.
    Benjamin Johnson finds Joseph Smith to make a request. He wants to join Zion's Camp too. He's fifteen now and while not a member of the church yet, he would do his part. Joseph thanks him but counsels him to stay here and look after his family. Father Johnson would not give his blessing anyway. Benjamin accepts the counsel. (*Notes* say a conversation like this did take place and Benjamin's testimony of a living prophet on the earth was strengthened making Joseph's denial of his request easier to bear, as recorded in his journal)
   A "Mormon Trial" is held in a nearby town in which Doctor Philastus "D.P." Hulburt must answer to a judge regarding his behavior toward one Joseph Smith who is also present in this courtroom. Lyman and his family are here to witness this and are sad to see a family member in such a position. They all exit the courtroom after the judge orders Philastus to pay a fine and agree not to harass Joseph Smith for six months, then, in the eyes of the law, he can enjoy full citizenship again. The family knows this is far from over, that they must sever all connections with this rebellious cousin. (*Notes* this trial did take place in late March or early April of this year with the local newspaper printing up an article reporting the trial and the curiosity of the community who attended.

Chapter 16
Another two stanzas by Joel Johnson about Zion

    Men in the community are preparing to journey to Missouri as part of Zion's Camp. Lyman spends time with his children, romping and playing while Delcena looks on with tears in her eyes, fearful this may be the last time they are all together as a family.
     Early next morning, the Johnson clan weeps and laughs as they see Seth off. With David gone the next oldest male is Joseph Johnson who solemnly promises his brother to be the man of the house and look after the family while Seth and Joel are away. As second oldest after Seth, lame Nancy is the last to say goodbye. She has been coughing lately and Seth prays they won't lose another family member anytime soon. Ezekiel is here too, finally appearing from a bedroom having just hauled himself out of bed but he gives Seth his fine gun, Betsy, to take with him. Seth is grateful. Mother Julia hugs him tightly wishes him Godspeed.
   And the men are off! Morale is fairly good but the first night camp turns very cold, early spring temps still just below freezing. Swollen, bloody, blistered feet from walking and exhaustion no wonder the man posted for sentry duty fell asleep, as Seth and the Prophet discover but Brother Joseph is empathetic, he'll be sternly reprimanded but no harsh punishment will be doled out to this good brother.
   Two weeks later, Camp is nearing the city of Indianapolis. Weary locals confront the large group of men who, as led by Almon with a twinkle in his eye, assure them they are harmless wanderers and if they do come across a threatening band of "Mormon fanatical fiends," they will be sure to steer clear of them! Another week later, three rattlesnakes are discovered in camp but before they can be killed, Joseph advises them to spare the creatures' lives. There's some murmuring but the order is obeyed.
   At last the company reaches the Missouri boarder, the mighty Mississippi which they must cross. It is now June. With the heat, burning thirst, few water resources and challenges of camping and traveling, men are stirred up to contention. One even threatens Brother Joseph's dog, given to him by someone back in Kirtland for extra protection. Joseph replies if anyone harms his dog that man will be whipped! Then stops himself. They must be careful for they are in danger of arousing the wrath of God.

Chapter 17
Joseph Johnson-though he was not present to witness this scene-must've been inspired by the stories he heard to write one short stanza about rain, wind and the majesty of nature...
*Notes* say none of the family who went with Zion's Camp kept any journals, if they did they were lost, so the authors used journals and writings of others for their narrative (As Gerald Lund did for his historical fiction account)
June 18, 1834

   Rumor has it, mobs and armies of angry Missourians are waiting to attack this small band for having the gall to come to their state threatening violence. Joseph lay sick with fever in someone's wagon but when the men make camp that night Joseph emerges to go pray privately in a thicket of bushes. Seth learns, when the prophet returns, that the Lord said no harm would befall them tonight. The rest of the camp is already asleep anyway. Next morning, they are instructed by a black slave, working in a garden that a neighboring farm "up yonder" is friendly to Mormons where they can get a good breakfast. They do so and march on but when they stop to camp that evening a gang of locals on horses come riding up, calling them filthy names, boasting how many hundred men are coming to murder them all in their beds tonight. Joseph watches them ride off, assuring his brethren the Lord is on their side...indeed, almost out of nowhere, black storm clouds are gathering. Everyone who has read Gerald Lund's "Work and the Glory Vol II" know what happens next. The men find shelter in an old abandoned church while the mobs outside are pelted with wind, rain, flooding, lightning and hail all strong enough to kill man and horse. Safe inside the church, on the other side of the swollen river, Almon can't help but gloat. Those evil men are getting what they deserve!
   Next morning, a man leading the local militia, comes in peace to inquire of the party's intentions. Learning they mean no harm he promises to give the order and let everyone in the area know they are to be left alone. Later Joseph receives what will be known as D&C 105. The men are not to redeem Zion at this time but can break up the Camp and either stay or return to Ohio.
   Late that night, while everyone is asleep, deadly cholera breaks out, as if God has chosen to smite them. To their horror, Lyman and Almon are awakened by Seth's groans of agony. He is blind! He cannot see. The illness has taken hold of him. Almon gets him up, makes him run around outside the tent until he vomits. Brother Brigham comes to inquire of their tent as all around them are equally struck down. Brigham reports Joseph was told by the Lord, this has happened because of their murmuring and they should all pray. Almon leaves to shoot some squirrels to make a nourishing broth for Seth who can't keep anything down and is running a very high fever. A man has already died. Dr. Frederick G. Williams is trying to get to everyone but is overwhelmed. When he reaches their tent he administers a medicine of sorts (flour and whiskey) but reports some men are plunging themselves in the cold river which seems to help. Almon wastes no time literally dragging Seth to the water. He promised Juli and by golly, Seth is NOT going to die on him! Lyman also helps nurse Seth but he too was mildly struck with the deadly disease. Almon struggles to hold onto Seth in the river current up to their shoulders. He cries out to God for help and seems to feel his friend David nearby, giving him extra strength. That night, it would appear Seth is going to be okay as he able to keep down most of the broth Almon spoons into his mouth.
   Back in Ohio, Mother Julia worries over young Joseph who struggles to keep up with the others in cutting the hay. He coughs but insists to his mother it's just allergies from the hay. Back in Missouri, Seth is out of danger but needs a least a few more weeks to convalesce before he will be well enough to travel. Almon urges Lyman to return and sends his love to his beloved Juli and the rest of the Johnson family. Lyman promises he will convey to the family what a valiant, loyal, singular man this future brother-in-law of theirs has proven himself to be.

*chapter notes* only one family record says Seth did nearly die of cholera but no details. The cold water "baths" in the river as well as reactions for the sixty-eight or so men who came down with the terrible disease, come from Heber C. Kimball's journal of the experience of which he himself was also a victim.

Chapter 18
Two stanzas by Joel Johnson about turning to God amidst trials
July 3, 1834

     Seth is slowly recovering but one of their friends from Zion's Camp, Brother John Murdock (the same one who lost his wife in childbirth and gave the twins who lived to Joseph and Emma) lost his six year old daughter to the cholera. After losing his wife, John's remaining children were sent to Missouri to be cared for by friends and family. It had been his intention to bring them back to Kirtland with him, now he's lost another. Seth and Almon feel his pain. Alone in the tent, Seth prays for everyone, then a vision enters his mind. He sees his own precious family kneeling in prayer for HIM. He then changes his prayer, beseeching the Lord for strength so they can all be together again. Joseph comes to visit their camp and counsels John to remain here in Missouri and lead the church, John obeys. Joseph is also ready to return to Kirtland. Seth is feeling well enough now to travel so he and Almon will go too.
    Back in Kirtland, Almera hears very disturbing news from Sam Prescott and rushes back to the house to sob in Nancy's lap. A newspaper report claims Joseph Smith and many Mormons died in a great battle in Missouri (this turns out to be false) with all the other Johnsons either cutting hay or at the store awaiting news, Nancy and Almera are the only ones at the house. Nancy tells Almera not to lose hope, surely this terrible report is not true and Seth will return to them soon.
July 22, 1834
    Joseph and company have been traveling for many weeks when word reaches them of the false report of the battle and Joseph's death. Almon is jovial, "You're the best looking dead man I've ever seen, Brother Joseph!" But the prophet is very sober. His poor family must be devastated. They must hurry with all haste. Charges must be filed against this editor who printed this libel. But when they enter the newspaper office, the editor just laughs and refuses to print a correction.

July 26, 1834
    Lyman has a tearful reunion with his family and the rest of the Johnsons are very relieved to learn that while Seth did nearly die he is out of danger and he and Almon will be arriving very soon. Still bitter about religion, Ezekiel goes to the tavern and does not return that night as Julia gathers her children to pray for Seth and Almon's safe return.
   Little does Julia know, outside the front door, Don Carlos and a man named Jared Carter are listening to the prayer of this righteous matriarch. Moved by the spirit, after the "Amen" they take the liberty of entering the room and Jared tells Don Carlos to follow him. They walk over to lame Nancy's chair, place their hands on her head and Jared blesses her, by the power of the Holy Melchizedek priesthood commanding her, in the name of Jesus Christ, to set aside her crutches, rise up and walk. Sobbing, Nancy attempts to walk and declares through her tears that there is no pain, she can walk. She is healed!
   Benjamin Johnson rides a horse hard to the Mentor tavern so he can find his father but he not there so he returns home. Nancy climbs into a hitched up wagon. She will go to the Mentor carpentry shop herself to try and catch their father, before he goes to the tavern for his evening drink. He must see for himself this glorious miracle. Surely now he will believe in God and be at peace.
   Ezekiel is smoothing the wood on an order when the door opens and he recognizes his treasured duaghter standing, sans crutches, now walking toward him. What is this, what has happened? Nancy weeps as she announces to her father she received a blessing and God healed her. Father Johnson also weeps as he hugs his daughter but still wonders why a cruel God would take his David yet allow Nancy the desire of her heart. Nancy tells him to focus on how David's prayers for her have now been answered and that from his view in heaven, David surely knows of the this miracle-perhaps played a part in it from the other side.
    It is now August and the family, with Ezekiel are seated around the dinner table when the door opens and two strange looking men enter-they are Seth and Almon. The family screams in recognition and surround them in a joyous reunion. And Nancy is healed. There is much to rejoice about.

*chapter notes* Here is what really happened with Nancy's miraculous healing: "In the course of the summer (1834) elder Jared Carter, a man of mighty faith, came with other elders to our house and seeing sister Nancy upon her crutches commanded her in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to leave her crutches and walk, which she at once did, and never again did she use them, although for years she had borne no weight upon her broken joint. We all knew it to be the power of God, and almost felt to shout Hosanna! to think our beloved sister was again sound in limb and able to walk. (Benjamin Franklin Johnson, My Life's Review)


Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Banner is Unfurled Volume 1

Book Series: A Banner is Unfurled
Title:             No Title
Author:         Marcie Gallacher & Kerri Robinson
Publisher:     Covenant
Publishing date: 2005
Pages:           377
Number of Chapters: 15
This volume spans four years, 1828-1832

There are *chapter notes* at the end of the book

To Julia Hills Johnson, our third-great grandmother, and to our children, the jewels in our crowns.

Family Chart/list: The Children
  1. Joel 26 yrs old married to Annie they had a daughter who died at 2, one son, Sixtus, still alive. Joel founded the city of Enoch (yes that one by Cedar City) and wrote "High on the Mountaintop"
  2. Nancy grey eyes, loves horses, would like to be married one day-riding accident leaves her crippled
  3. Seth the spiritual leader, serious, scholarly, 23 and still not married, dark eyes and hair, head of house
  4. Delcena a lovely young woman, engaged to be married to Lyman Sherman he is 24 
  5. Julianne around 21 or 22, a certain boy has his eye on her!
  6. David 18 years old with brown eyes, curly light brown hair, hardworking, a good catch
  7. Almera the 16 year old beauty of the family, can't wait to be married herself
  8. Susan 14 years old, quiet, serious, deeply spiritual knows no boy will ever eye her 
  9. Joseph 12 going on 13 loves to study herbs hopes to become a doctor one day
  10. Benjamin 11 has dark eyes like his other siblings, a good son, hardworking
  11. Mary 9 years old
  12. Elmer died at 18 months
  13. George 
  14. William
  15. Esther almost two
Prologue  March 1787
Ashford, Connecticut

      Ezekiel Johnson is 14 years old, the only child of his mother who bore him out of wedlock. He has no idea who his father is except that he was a brave man who lost his life at Bunker Hill. His mother married Jonathon King who takes every opportunity to shame the young boy about his paternity. Ezekiel has a married stepsister with whom he is close, along with her husband, Isaac, who stops by the field to invite "Zeke" to an activity in town next Thursday. Jonathon tells Zeke he can go only if he gets all his chores done, including the plowing of the other field.
     Feeling very proud of himself, Ezekiel sneaks out of the house and stays up all night, overworking the horse to complete the job so he might be allowed to go. It backfired as his stepfather whipped the boy until he finally broke down and cried under the lash, for abuse of the animal and for wanting to have a day of devil's idleness. Meanwhile, his meek and subservient mother, Sethiah, passively stirs the pot and does nothing. Ezekiel makes a promise that very day to himself-he will never strike animal or child. He will never be so cruel as his stepfather, or weak and submissive like his mother.
   Two weeks later, Zeke eats the good breakfast his mother sets before him but he is annoyed as his stepfather (currently absent on a trip to town) is making him sell the beloved old horse out of spite, Zeke knows, for what happened. His mother is thirty (or so) her husband at least twenty years older. Zeke is very troubled by this dysfunctional relationship with this man his mother married. Why is he so unlovable? He wonders aloud. This good mother tells her son he is easy to love but she also believes God has withheld more children from her because of her sin and her husband probably encourages this. Ezekiel wishes his mother would simply leave this abusive marriage. He would take care of her. But Sethiah would never leave her husband.
   Ezekiel rises and bids his mother farewell. He's off to sell the horse but without any words spoken both know Zeke is going to keep the money for himself and run away. Sethiah suggests he take some extra food and the coat belonging to his stepfather. She hugs him goodbye.
   Zeke stops by Isaac's tool making shop and tells him of his plans to run away. Isaac understands. He promises to watch out for Sethiah and gifts the boy with his first rifle-a fine gun. He refers the boy to a good man he knows in another town to whom Zeke could apprentice himself to learn the carpentry trade. He tells Zeke to go with God. Zeke just shakes his head. For him, there is no God.

September 1798 Eleven years later (which makes Zeke around 25)
Grafton, Massachusetts

    Meet 15 year old Julia Hills-a lovely and god-fearing young lady with shining dark brown braids pinned neatly around her head and eyes so dark as to be almost black. Her older brother Joel teases his sister who smiles and teases him right back. A knock at the door reveals a young man, average height with soft, ginger hair and blue-grey eyes asking after their remarried mother, Esther Forbush. They invite him in. Julia is kind to him, perceiving this sensitive and strong young man needs love. He is a good man and very single.
   When Esther and the rest of the family arrive from their errand in town, they also welcome Ezekiel and invite him to stay for supper. Zeke is here to inquire what Esther might know of his mother and biological father. He knows he was born in this area, but his mother and stepfather moved, maybe to Canada-they never even bothered trying to contact Ezekiel or left him any word. Zeke got Esther's name from Isaac the day he ran away, now he's here to learn the story of his birth. Esther and Zeke take a walk after supper so she can tell him the story:
     She and Sethiah were good friends growing up. Sethiah was 12, Esther was 8 when Sethiah came to work for her family as "nanny" It would seem everyone in this story has a stepfather for Sethiah's stepfather was stern but not cruel like Zeke's. When Sethiah was about 15, a dashing bachelor named Ezekiel Johnson came courting with eyes only for Sethiah but her stepfather did not approve so she broke up with him. Ezekiel was, indeed, a proud patriot who believed in the cause for liberty and freedom from England. He was soon "called up" by the Sons of Liberty to join their next campaign at Bunker Hill. Before he left, he sent a note by way of Esther who had no idea it contained instructions for the lovers to meet where Ezekiel Jr was conceived. (*chapter notes* say this took place May 31, 1772 and the authors used some fictional licence to have Sethiah Guernsey work for this family who family records show were close as the Guernsey and Forbush families are buried close to each other) Sethiah loved him, you see, and he flattered her into believing God sanctioned their relationship. Ashamed at being with child, Sethiah kept it a secret and while her mother and stepfather certainly weren't happy, they also helped keep the unhappy truth hidden from the gossiping neighbors and community as long as they could. Word came months later that the famous rouge was engaged to be married to another girl in another town. Esther pleaded with her friend to tell him she was carrying his child to prevent this marriage of sin and a charge, by law, of fornication which they would both be found guilty of. She refused. Had the baby. Esther's parents paid the fine and continued to let Sethiah work for them. Esther took care of baby Zeke-a joy to all. Word reached the father who came to confront the mother. How could he marry this other girl now-except she is also with child! He left to fight in Bunker Hill, the rest is history...

Chapter 1
A short poem by George W. Johnson about the dinner horn blowing and the comforts of home
December 1828
Pomfret, New York

     Julia Hills Johnson steps outside her home ready to blow the noon dinner horn and call her family in but before she does, she contemplates her large family/tribe. Joel who is married and living not far away, Nancy who loves to ride in breeches which Julia tries very hard not to mind, Seth-the true head of the family in spiritual matters and the local schoolmaster, Delcena who will be the next Johnson to marry, Julianne and David who would make anyone a fine spouse along with all the rest of her brood. They are truly the jewels in her crown. Black hair now streaked with gray, Julia  is 45 years old with her gang of children and another due any day. Her husband, Ezekiel, greets her tenderly and while they still love each other, Julia worries her husband loves his peach brandy at the local tavern more and is grateful for Seth who often helps their intoxicated father home most nights to put him to bed. They live in upstate New York, right on the shores of Lake Erie near Fredonia where Canadaway Creek flows northward through the small village toward the lake.
   The family has just finished the noon meal and is enjoying desert of cornmeal pudding and molasses when tall, dark, steady and serious Lyman Sherman with his spectacles and kind eyes comes knocking to officially ask for Delcena's hand in marriage which Ezekiel gives, albiet begrudgingly, for he loves and cherishes his children just as much as his wife. Lyman also brings news by way of his cousin, "Doctor" Philastus Hulbert (so named because he is the "special" seventh son-the rest of the Johnson family look at their own seventh son, who is too busy placing rocks in his pudding to care about grown-up matters, and laugh) it was through Philastus that these two met, fell in love and decided to marry. So while Philastus may be a bit full of himself at times, pompous and swaggering, the family is grateful for the connection. Philastus sent a copy of a peculiar article from a local newspaper in the area about a young man named Joseph Smith, his "gold Bible" and a new religion. The family is very curious about this for they have been taught by their mother to love the Bible which has a special place on a stand in the front room for all to read from and expound to each other.
With all this talk about God and religion, Ezekiel rolls his eyes and leaves for the barn where he and Nancy will spend the afternoon breaking a new colt.
While the two lovebirds take a walk, and the rest of the family disperses to other activities, Almera the family beauty, lingers to help her sisters clean up and to get her mother's advice on the envy she feels at wanting to be married too, right now, but having no opportunity...yet. Julia counsels her daughter marriage is not a destination but a journey, the beginning of new challenges and burdens as well as a new life, one of joy as God intended for a woman.

Chapter 2
Poem by Joel H. Johnson about doing the Lord's will always

    Sister-in-law Annie greets David and Seth who are here to help repair the roof of the home. They tell her of today's engagement which is no big surprise to Annie-women always know these things! She notes how David, 18, tall at 6"3 and still single with his curly light brown hair and eyes flecked with gold should have no trouble catching a girl himself. Seth has dark eyes and hair, is scholarly and deeply religious. A true gentleman, he cradles Annie's fussy baby Sixtus and sings to his nephew (Seth really is the perfect man) He was engaged once to a woman named Sophia who died before the relationship could progress any farther.
   Annie's husband, Joel (named for his mother's favorite brother we met in the prologue) greets his brothers. He is 26, tall and thin as a rail but blessed with intelligence for he invented and patented a shingle cutting machine which he is trying to market but the men who helped finance the new technology are muscling him out. The three brothers discuss moving to Ohio to seek their fortunes. It would certainly be better for Joel but he's apprehensive about moving his little family.
   Meanwhile, Nancy and her father break in the new colt, riding a few miles from the house, talking pleasantly for both love horses. Father Johnson warns his rather headstrong daughter not to try riding this "green" horse on her own just yet. Nancy scowls, a little defiant. Ezekiel declares he's off to the tavern now. Nancy worries her attitude might've driven him to it but 11 year old Benjamin, 12 year old Joseph and Seth (who just returned from Annie and Joel's) talk religion, encouraging each other not to give up on their father but to trust in God.

Chapter 3
poem by George W. Johnson expounding on famous opening stanza of another popular poem "Backward turn Backward, O Time in thy Flight..."
January 1829

     Early morning. Julia is awake and feeling very pregnant, enjoying the comforting warmth of her husband's sleeping presence beside her. Today is Jan 12 (supposedly) the day they celebrate Ezekiel's birthday (family records state he told them he was born on this day, but since an illegitimate birth would not have been recorded, research done by the family years afterward discovered a "spinster" confessed to the town council her sin of fornication committed on the last day of May, 1772 and the math was done...). He will be 56, and it is also their 28th wedding anniversary today. Not one for giving presents as the family is poor (and it wasn't really done in those days anyway) Julia did save some of her income from sewing to buy a fine gold watch for her beloved husband.
    The older children are already up-boys in the barn doing the chores, older girls Nancy and Julianne preparing breakfast for the family. In the privacy of their room off the kitchen, Ezekiel tenderly presents a fine gold chain for his wife. Julia gives him the watch, remembering her 17 yr old self on her wedding day. She observes her husband's unabashed tears-he feels so unworthy of her, yet this man constantly lights her soul on fire every time she sees him. It is a sweet moment between the two.
   Out of 15 children, only one lost to death, Ezekiel reflects how important his children are to him yet, he's always struggled with low self-esteem (for good reason) he and Julia rise, dress and go to breakfast.
   Later that morning, other women come to help tie Delcena's wedding quilt. Nancy is 20 years old, and STILL unmarried as the largest woman and most outspoken but still the best midwife in town not-so-subtly reminds her.
   Three days later, the day before the wedding on Saturday, Julia's birth pains begin. The same outspoken midwife comes to help deliver the baby and stays the night so she might assist with the large family wedding. It's a boy and did not take long to come since Julia's done this plenty of times before! Julia would have this son, most likely their last child, named after his father but Ezekiel in adamant. No. They name him Amos instead, after one of Julia's uncles.
   Doctor Philastus Hurlbut arrives for the wedding and follows the lovely Almera outside to the barn so he can make wicked advances towards her, grabbing her and kissing her much to the girl's great alarm and dismay. They are interrupted and the proud man leaves. Mortified and ashamed, Almera stays behind in the barn until it is time to go inside for the ceremony. No one ever suspected anything.
   The wedding is lovely, the new baby later christened by the minister. That evening the entire family, minus one daughter, gather in the front room to play checkers, chess, mend socks and talk pleasantly. They comment how fast the "full-of-himself-Doctor" took his leave.
     In the master bedroom, Almera relaxes on the bed with her mother and new baby brother. They talk of "forbidden fruit" which Philastus called the lovely teenage girl who does not speak a word of the assault to her mother. Susan knows (she found Almera in the barn, weeping) and she is as silent as the grave. Sensing something is troubling her daughter, Julia admonishes her wisdom on forbidden fruit: how God sanctioned men and women to come together and procreate-which is both a sacred and beautiful commandment. Safe in her mother's love, Almera is comforted.

Chapter 4
Poem by Joseph E. Johnson of love and hope
February 1830
     Joel feels strongly he needs to move his family to Ohio. At first Annie is hesitant, but then she has a dream of her dead little girl in Ohio where all are smiling and happy. She wakes up and knows what they must do.

August 1830
      Delcena gives birth to twins, a boy and girl. Nancy is tempted to stay the night but her brothers are busy with work in the fields and she will be needed to help tend the younger clan. Nancy mounts one of the family horses and rides home, longing for a home and family of her own one day when the horse spooks and she is thrown...The riderless horse arrives back at the family farm. Thinking it's their father, David calls for his brothers and takes off alone on the animal to discover Nancy. The doctor declares her leg and hip badly broken. She may never walk again. Ezekiel is better and angry, the family declares they will trust in God but Zeke gets his gun intending to shoot the poor animal. Seth talks him down, holds him while he cries then follows his father to the tavern so he can help him home later. That night, Seth comforts Nancy who fears all of this is her fault.

September 1830
      Joel leaves to find a place for his family to settle in Ohio. David goes with him. They stop at their mother's favorite brother's house, the same favorite brother she named Joel after. It is a delightful visit as Uncle Joel wants to hear all the news of his nieces and nephews and dear sister. Uncle Joel encourages his namesake to relate a story to David (and the reader) of a miraculous near death experience. When he was a young boy, Joel came to visit his uncle's family and nearly drowned in the nearby river but he heard a "voice" instructing him what to do, next thing he knew, he was crawling out of the water onto the riverbank where his uncle found him and helped him home. David never heard this (True! see *chapter notes*) story before.
     Uncle Joel encourages his two nephews to settle here. They could use Joel as a teacher and handsome, hardworking David would have no trouble finding work and catching a young woman to marry and settle down. They would be welcome here. They thank him and dig into the pie their Aunt serves them.

October 1830
     During their stay, David meets a blonde haired, blue-eyed nineteen year old girl named Kathryn. She tells David of Mormonite preachers who are holding a meeting in the area. One of her friends, Almon Babbit (remember this name!) a lad of only seventeen but charismatic and intelligent and popular thinks very highly of this religious group. Kathryn prefers flirting. She also mentions a man nambed Pratt. They pull up in the wagon just in time to witness the "stu-boy" story (see Gerald Lund's Work and the Glory Volume II p. 184 where this same story is related) when Pratt tricked his guard who was keeping him in custody and escaped the dog's chase by ordering him to go ahead. David laughs until the tears roll.

Chapter 5
Poem by Joel H. Johnson about Joseph Smith-a true prophet sent from God
October 1830

     David is back home but very distressed at thin, weak Nancy's brave front while their father drinks more than ever-blaming himself for what happened. Nancy smiles encouragingly at her favorite brother, she's not dead yet. But family morale is very low. Joseph has been brewing herbs for teas in hopes of making Nancy stronger. David talks with Seth who is always encouraging and full of faith in God. Both go to their brother in law's to help out.
    It is decided Seth can let another teach the winter term of school this year, he will take their father to Cincinnati, Ohio where he can find some work and some respite from their depressing family situation. David will bring Annie west to Amherst, Ohio where Joel is waiting for them all. (On either side of Cleveland sits Kirtland on the east and Amherst on the west, both about 20 miles outside the main city, and both still very small, insignificant towns today)
   When they arrive in Amherst Joel, Annie and little Sixtus stay with a family, but the wife is not a big fan of Mormons and gets very upset when she discovers Annie reading the Book of Mormon Joel brought back from a recent meeting (Thanks Almon Babbit) she wants them all out of her house, along with that "devil's book!" Three weeks later, they are living in their own log cabin. Annie wants to be baptized. Joel supports her, intending to study his own beloved Bible and compare it to this new book. (He'll join soon and become a great leader!)
    Kathryn, called Katie, bursts into the brickyard where David is making (rather poor quality but it's the best they can do) bricks to earn some money. Katie heard all about the row between Annie and her hostess. Both chuckle at Annie's determination to learn more about this strange religion. Katie is so glad David has no interest in reading that wicked book.
   But after David talks with Annie, he agrees to accompany her to the next meeting where he meets Almon Babbit and fifteen-year-old Don Carlos Smith, the prophet's (and everyone's) favorite younger brother. These three young men will soon become fast friends. (This is historically accurate)
    Impressed by the maturity and demeanor of tall blonde, blue-eyed and handsome Don Carlos, reminding David so much of himself, the two walk and talk instead of attending the meeting and a friendship is forged for the Smith and Johnson families are very alike in having many siblings who vary in wisdom and spirituality. The late Alvin Smith was very much like Seth. Don Carlos testifies to David that his brother really did experience all the heavenly visions and manifestations the rumors claim. David believes.
    But when Kathryn discovers her boyfriend has taken up with the evil religion and intends to learn more about it, she promptly breaks up with him-she could never marry a Mormon lover! David goes for a long walk until it gets very dark, before kneeling in a field and praying for strength. He really thought he and the lovely Kathryn would marry...

Chapter 6
Poem by Joel H, Johnson petitioning God for holy direction in the name of Jesus
May 1831

    Annie, Joel and David are all baptized but David is troubled after the man who baptizes him falls into a sort of fit, confused about what he is doing here, mounts his horse and rides away.(He will later leave the church) Almon teases his two friends about joining up with "Us Mormons" Next day, David and Almon work hard in the field with the other men in the area, bringing in the hay. Katie arrives with the men's lunch. They remind her of her "promise" to reward the best mower with a kiss. She responds she would...if that person were not a Mormon. Impertinent Almon declares it is her loss for he is both the best mower and the best kisser! David's cheeks are red with embarrassment while Katie picks up her skirts and storms away, fighting tears.
    Walking home later Katie tries to talk to David but he is resolute about both the religion he believes in and his choice of friends. The men following the same path as David and Almon witness Katie screaming at Almon that she hates him, David nicks one of the men with his scythe and the fight quickly ends. Nobody wants any real trouble. Almon is nearly faint with a sudden fever. David helps him to the ramshackle hut and dirty straw bed. Almon's younger brothers begrudgingly assist but it is obvious this is no loving home but a place where it is every filthy, scrawny child for themselves.
    The warm scene awaiting David at Joel and Annie Johnson's home is very much the opposite of the Babbits. Still upset almost killing a man, David talks and eats the warm meal Annie left for him and is comforted. But he does not take the sacrament next day at Sunday meeting. Annie thinks he's being too hard on himself. David accompanies two other elders to give Almon a blessing. Immediately afterwards, Almon gets to his feet, completely recovered. He invites himself back to Annie's with David for Sunday supper. David just shakes his head, wondering if his beloved sister Nancy could experience such a blessing.
   Back home in New York, Seth is struggling with his feelings as to whether or not the Book of Mormon he's been reading is true. He tries to pray and hears otherworldly cries and howls as if from an animal but when he goes to look outside-nothing. Julia receives word of David and her son-in-law's baptisms and is glad. The rest of the older siblings-Nancy, Seth, Julianne, and Almera, hope it is the truth their favorite brother is seeking and not falsehoods. All have decided they will read and study this new Book of Mormon together as a family. That way bedridden Nancy can also listen and participate. Always at the tavern, Ezekiel is hardly home in the evenings anymore anyway.

Chapter 7
Poem by Joel H Johnson titled, "The Lord Bless You!"
October 1831

     There is to be another "General Conference" to be held thirty-five miles away in Orange, Ohio (just south of Kirtland on the East side of Cleveland). Annie, Joel, David and Almon are all going. Little Sixtus too, of course. Annie packs food for the wagon they will be driving and in which Annie, her husband and Sixtus will sleep while the two young men will camp underneath. (Since church records state Joel Johnson as being in attendance at this conference, the writers decided it was possible Annie and the two men might also have been there and decided to include them too.)
    Up very early the first morning for a special meeting, Joel is thrilled to be introduced to the Prophet-Brother Joseph Smith-tall, broad, full features, with a commanding yet warm and friendly nature. Upon request, he shares the latest news of his trip West to Independence, Missouri to preach both to the Indians and to begin the building up of the Kingdom to welcome the Savior as prophesied for the last days. A temple site has been dedicated and it is only a matter of time...
   Back at the camp, the others are very happy to welcome a visit from Emma and Mother Smith who have heard great things about (no not YOU Almon Babbit! *smile*) David Johnson from Don Carlos who is also here with the party. Emma brought her twin babies, Julia and Joseph who are almost a year old. The boys leave to hunt some wild turkey to be enjoyed by all at the conference, Mother Smith takes the babies back to the main house where the conference is being held leaving Emma and Annie alone to talk and get to know each other better. Annie learns the true parentage of the twins and weeps hearing Emma's trials. She can relate as she too lost a treasured child.
   Later that night as the men sit around the campfire, Annie is about to drift off to sleep in her wagon bed when she hears the booming voice of Brother Joseph. She peeks under the canvas to get a better look at him and is impressed. The men go off to help husk the corn in the barn of the man who is hosting the conference. The reader goes with them. Moved at being in the presence of a prophet of God, Joel recites inspired verse that has been forming in his mind all day-Joseph has already read some of this talented man's writings. All are moved.
   Next day is the meeting and while Annie is disappointed not to hear the prophet speak, she enjoys the sermons from Hyrum Smith and Sidney Rigdon among others. She gets her opportunity to formally meet the prophet the next morning as they are breaking camp to leave. Joseph feels Joel and David should travel to Pomfret, New York to teach the rest of the Johnson Clan. He promises Annie that while her husband is gone, she will be blessed, her husband will return to her and the child she carries will be born safe and healthy.

Chapter 8
Poem by Joel H. Johnson "Hail, Book of Mormon!"
October 1831

    Delcena's husband, Lyman Sherman, comes over to join the family in their Book of Mormon study. Delcena lost her first baby (the twin boy from Ch 8) she had last year but had another whom they named Mary but she's been sick with a cough so Delcena is staying home to care for her. Susan and Benjamin wish very much to join the rest of the older siblings in their study but Julia would rather they didn't. She finally allows them anyway after they were caught listening in the stairwell to Nephi's interpretation of his father's vision. All are moved by the Holy Ghost, Seth counsels them all to beware any kind of deception from the devil but even he has to admit, these are no ordinary words. This book is scripture, revealed from God and nobody else.
    Two weeks before Christmas, a knock at the door reveals David, Almon and Joel. The family is happy to report they have been reading the Book of Mormon and all believe it to be of God, except Seth who is struggling with doubts that such incredible verses could truly be inspired from on High. Joel bears testimony it is all true. Nancy is on crutches now, able to move about as best she can. Almera is "dating" the minister's son but fears she may have to break up with him once he learns she is partial to Mormonism. David can well relate.
   Next morning, Almon awakens to an empty room. The others have gone to their chores, letting him sleep in as a guest. Stretching and smiling in the morning light, Almon recalls his troubled sleep, wondering which of the lovely Johnson sisters he should pursue for (like Laurie from Little Women) there is no doubt in his mind he should be part of this special family. So different from his own dysfunctional home.
   On the stairs, he stops, intrigued. Someone, a female voice, is singing! Who could it be? The lovely Almera? Too intense for him. Quiet yet wise Susan who blushed when he offered one of his dashing smiles her way? No, she wasn't the one for him. It couldn't be Nancy. Too bad Mary, only twelve, is not yet old enough to court.
    The singer turns out to be Julianne, who is preparing a distaff of flax for the spinning wheel. All the other Johnsons are either at school or went to the Sherman house (where Julianne stayed last night helping Delcena while her husband was here for the family scripture study). She directs Almon to the plate of breakfast they left covered for him. Almon is only 18 while Julianne is nearly five years older. They flirt but Julianne knows she is far too old for him. Besides, it is obvious which Johnson sister likes him most-Susan could talk of nothing else this morning at breakfast.

Chapter 9
There are no chapter notes in the back of the book for this chapter.
One very short verse by Julia Hills Johnson praising God for all rich blessings that come from above.
December 1831

    Joseph Brackenbury bids his dear wife goodbye. He is off to the Pomfret, New York area to help Joel and David preach the gospel. He is especially looking forward to meeting the rest of the Johnson clan and perhaps baptizing some of them. Wife requests he say hi to all the Johnsons for her and send her love to all their friends he will meet on the way while he is traveling. She is happy to let him go, full of faith her husband and his companion who will join him in Kirtland, are doing the right thing and will soon return to her and their children.  (foreshadowing!)
   Philastus Hurlburt enters the Fredonia, New York carpentry shop where Ezekiel, hard at work crafting an item, eyes him warily. Philastus informs him his own sons are going around preaching Mormonism and, as a member of the family, he is concerned. Jospeh Brackenbury is also here with his companion and have joined Joel and David-stirring up trouble!
   We join these same men Philastus was just talking about. They are happy, leaving a neighbor's house and, while they were not very successful in getting them to believe, they are confident doing the Lord's work. They sing "Joy to the World" to further lift their spirits.
    Julia desires baptism. So does Lyman. Elder Brackenbury performs the ordinance on a freezing night where, under cover of darkness, they won't be disturbed by their critics yet, Philastus Hulburt is also in attendance, holding one of the little ones. Almera tries not to mind while also resisting the urge to snatch the precious child away from the viper in their bosoms. As the party walks back to the house, David carries his older sister, Nancy who would also be baptized if her health would allow it. She desires very much to walk again but understands it may not be God's will. David wants to see it happen, surely their father and others would believe the gospel message if such a miraculous healing took place.
   Seth and Joseph Brackenbury stay up late, talking of restored gospel doctrine and the history of Christianity. Seth is still wavering, he won't join until he KNOWS without any doubt this is from God. Brackenbury gives Seth a paper to read on which is copied what will one day be Moses 7 of the Pearl of Great Price-the word of the Lord to Enoch. Seth weeps reading it, feeling the spirit. He believes!
    Philastus, pretending great distress, finds Ezekiel in his shop and tattles on the family-his own wife has betrayed him, going behind his back to join those Mormons! Word also reaches Almera's beau, the minister's son who is also not happy. Both Ezekiel and the boy confront the family. A tense discussion follows. Julia is not here to defend herself but Seth leads the children's arguments in doing what they know to be right. It soon becomes clear Almera is no longer engaged to be married. Seth is not baptized yet, but he will be soon. Weeping (his partial intoxication is no help) Ezekiel stumbles out of the house and back to the tavern.

Chapter 10
Another short, single, verse by Julia Hills Johnson

    Next morning, when Ezekiel wakes, Julia is sitting beside him ready to both comfort her distressed husband and defend her decision to be baptized for her love for God has always come first before her love for her husband, as it should be for all God's children.
   The heated discussion continues over breakfast where all the Johnson clan, even two year old baby Amos who doesn't know any better, raises his chubby hand with the others to vote, "yes" on desiring baptism in this new religion. Ezekiel fears his entire family has turned against him, not so much the religious part only that no one consulted him first about it. He thought he was head of this family. The two visiting Elders and Almon eat and observe the scene in silence. Almon is especially incredulous. Can't this stubborn man see what a blessing he has in such a good and kind wife and children always striving to do what's right in honoring their husband and father? Ezekiel Johnson is a fool. Once again, Ezekiel leaves for the tavern and his carpentry shop in town where he has work to do.
   The New Year arrives and an official branch of the church has been organized here in Fredonia, with Lyman Sherman as President. Nancy also desires baptism along with Seth and Julianne but she has come down with a bad cough and fever. Before Elder Brackenbury gives her a priesthood blessing, David takes him aside, requesting he include a special blessing that she might walk again. The blessing is short but full of promises that Nancy will recover to be baptized, her name will be remembered by future generations...but no commandment to rise and walk. Disappointed, David stumbles from the room, smothering his sobs.
   Next day, Nancy is ecstatic that she is well enough to be baptized. She tells David not to be troubled for she has hope and faith in God that all will be well, no matter what happens to her. Seth and Julianne are also baptized by Elder Brackenbury. A special friendship has formed between this family, Seth especially, and this good man.
   Julia, David, Nancy, Seth and Elder Brackenbury are invited to tea and an "intervention" at a neighbor's house where two of the local leaders of the churches confront them about the evils of Mormonism. If only dear Nancy were healed by this so-called restored priesthood power, THEN they might believe. The five Mormons bear their testimonies and leave, unable to do much else in preaching the gospel. Only a wicked and perverse generation seeketh a sign, you know...
   While harvesting ice on the frozen lake not many days afterward, Elder Joseph Brackenbury is almost literally struck down by a chronic illness. Doubling over coughing, the family helps him to his bed in the house and tends to him. Not wanting the younger children to witness a possible death, Julianne leads them in roasting apples, onions, potatoes and popping corn over a roaring fire. They play games and are successfully distracted. But as the days pass, it becomes evident this dear friend is not going to recover. Ezekiel is sympathetic and supportive. He even makes a coffin for the funeral which is held sometime after January 7, 1832-the day Joseph Brackenbury passed away. The entire family mourns. Zeke holds his wife that night as she weeps and, for the first time in months, he remains in bed with her that evening, instead of going off to the tavern.
   Fearing enemies of Elder Brackenbury might disturb his grave, medical students digging up a body-illegally-so they might study it, (very common in those days) the older Johnson boys run to the grave to chase off the robbers and rebury their friend's coffin. Father Ezekiel is also here with his trusty gun (the one he received in the prologue) to back them up. Almon reminds David, "Mormon boys stick together!"

Chapter 11
Poem by Joseph E. Johnson about the joys of attending school in a country schoolhouse
January 1832

    Today is the first day of school since winter break. Locals refer to the younger Johnsons-Benjamin, Mary, George and seven-year-old William as "the tadpoles." Like a good older brother, Joseph Johnson promises Seth he won't let any of the local prejudice against Mormons affect the little ones. As schoolmaster, Seth fears his recent baptism may get him fired from his position. His classroom numbers have gone down since word got out he'd become a Mormon. He counsels Joseph to use caution with his friends if they reject him but Joseph is confident nothing has changed in his relationships with his two best friends-one is a pretty girl.
   Nevertheless, contention does erupt today during recess. Unable to stand the persecution against her older brother, Mary takes the other boys home. Later that afternoon, members of the school board pay Teacher Seth a visit and are sorry to inform him they must let him go. A troublesome article in the local paper was published, feelings are high, parents don't want their children taught by a "dirty Mormon." Some of the children weep saying goodbye. Late that night, Julianne finds Seth nearly frozen, too depressed to come home, in the solitary hut in the woods where he often goes to ponder, study the Book of Mormon and reflect. She helps him home, feeds him and warms him up.
   Almon arrives back in Ohio with letters for Annie from the family and a special one from her husband. Annie feels her unborn child kick and sheds a few tears, missing her husband but knowing he is on God's errand. She is very distressed learning of the death of Elder Brackenbury. His wife, her good friend, will be devastated.
   Joseph Smith and Hyrum pay a special visit to Annie a few days later. Emma told them of Annie's melencholy and they come with news, their brother Samuel is going East to preach the gospel and it would be no trouble if she would like to send a letter back to Pomfret for him to deliver when he passes through the area. Samuel is also taking a letter for Almon, with special instructions to deliver it to one of the Johnson sisters. Annie smiles, wondering which one Almon has set his cap for.
   Benjamin accompanies oldest brother Joel on his mission to preach in Ohio, on his way home to Annie whom he is very anxious to see again. They stay with a friendly member neighbor who feeds them a hot meal. Ben retires to bed while Joel and the man stay up discussing the latest news. A similar Book of Mormon manuscript the famous "Solomon Spaulding Manuscript" is rumored to be the source of Joseph Smith's gold bible. Two other men, who were baptized with this man have already left the church because of it. Joel and this man know these manuscript rumors are not true.
   Before her husband arrives home, Elder Brackenbury's good wife, now widowed, assists Annie with the birth of her baby girl whom Annie names Sariah, after the famous Book of Mormon mother. The reunion for husband and wife is sweet indeed. Benjamin is also warmly welcomed inside where Sixtus is ecstatic to see them.

Chapter 12
A poem about spring, by George W. Johnson
May 1832

    Susan spins wool, thinking of Almon knowing he will never be interested in her the way he is in Julianne. Downstairs, Mother Julia kneads the bread dough, thinking of the growing divide between her and her husband but the church is growing in their area. Thanks to Elder Brackenbury, ten more people were recently baptized and she will be hosting the meeting this coming Sabbath. Her children are all healthy and happy, what more could any mother ask for.
   David is working hard with his younger brother, sowing and planting the field when a young woman, Hope, arrives on the scene. They have been "seeing" each other but nothing official. Hope is an orphan girl, raised by charity and working as a nanny for a prominent family in town. The dinner horn blows but David will be joining Hope for lunch today at Seth's hut in the woods. But when they arrive, an argument ensues for Hope laid out a blanket on the floor with flowers everywhere anticipating David would get intimate with her-she cares not that he is one of those Mormons, she loves him! Overcome with hormones while they kiss passionately, David resists her advances and leaves before he can even enjoy the picnic lunch she brought.
     Fearing he was only put on this earth to ruin every girl he meets, David finds his father and two other brothers planting corn in another field. Ezekiel expresses his disapproval of his older son going off with a single woman, unchaperoned. David fears he'll never be worthy to be ordained to the priesthood now.
    Persuaded by Seth, Zeke agrees to attend the Sabbath meeting that Sunday, since it's being held in his own yard, might as well. He notices David does not partake of the sacrament and wonders what's troubling him. Julia has been hosting all the missionaries coming to the area to preach, while Zeke doesn't really approve, there's not much he can do. One of these Elders gives today's sermon-follow the Lord and seek the truth. Ezekiel wonders if his wife will take their children and leave him for Kirtland to join rest of the believers. He vows to himself he would never allow it.
   Julia sits at the kitchen table with her older children. All speculate what it will mean for the family if Delcena and Lyman end up moving to Kirtland. Julia thinks David and Seth should go and find a place where they could live. Seth has already expressed to his father a desire to take him to Kirtland and meet the prophet, perhaps find a place to set up a carpentry shop in the area if they end up relocating. While Zeke seemed partial to the idea of taking a trip, he didn't agree to anything.
   Julianne finds Susan in the room they share, brushing out her hair. Taking the brush, Juli takes over and the two sisters have a nice chat about their feelings for Almon Babbit-he would have to grow up quite a bit before either would even consider him-and the future of the family's possible move to Kirtland. Juli feels Susan should be the woman to go and keep house for the men. The trip would be good for her-and she would see Almon. Wise Susan knows men like Almon Babbit could never be interested in someone like her, shy and plain and dull. She wishes she were more like her vivacious older sister. Juli calls her God's masterpiece, Susan corrects her-she is God's handmaid. But she would like very much to travel to Kirtland and meet the prophet. Juli promises her one day a man will love and admire her, just like they do.
    Still troubled by all the recent events, David feels strongly he should be baptized again. One of the visiting Elders performs the ordinance and David feels much better. He is reborn and ready to move forward!

Chapter 13
Poem by Joel H. Johnson about faith in the Lord
August 1832

    As the family gathers for the noon meal, Lyman (who was helping bring in the hay today) tells the family he and his cousin Philastus will be traveling west to Kirtland as he and Delcena have definite plans to relocate to Zion to join the Saints. Father Ezekiel is not pleased. His son-in-law would leave his wife who is with child again (her third) and unwell alone. Perhaps they should cancel the trip. Almera originally planned to travel with Seth and Susan and the others to Kirtland but if Philastus is going she would rather not-she does not voice this concern aloud but declares she, Almera, will stay behind to help care for Delcena. Julia would rather Susan not be the only woman in a company of men but agrees to let her go anyway. Seth expresses it is deepest wish his father come with them to Kirtland. It is all decided then.
    Almera and Susan talk later in private. Despite the incident that happened almost four years ago between Philastus and Almera she declares she can never trust that man! While Susan would prefer the company of another woman in the party, she will go as planned.
   Later that day, Ezekiel is sitting in the tavern, nursing his drink when Hope finds him. They go outside to talk. She is with child. No, it is not David's but if he would only marry her...but she knows that can never be for David does not love her. She is leaving the area to stay with a Quaker friend who can help her get a job in a textile mill. She just wanted Father Johnson to know his son is innocent of any gossip that might arise after she leaves. Partial to her situation, Zeke gives her some cash money and makes her promise not to let any man treat this innocent babe harshly. With tears in her eyes, Hope declares him an angel sent from heaven. Zeke just shakes his head.
    Only a few days later, Father Ezekiel Johnson is in Kirtland, Ohio meeting the Prophet Joseph Smith for the first time. He has to admit he's impressed with the young man's earnestness and genuine love and friendship for one like him who openly declares he has no belief in a higher Deity, especially one who would take such a good man as Brother Brackenbury breaking the hearts of his precious children. Such a tragedy a prophet of God should've foreseen and prevented.
    Seth, Philastus, Lyman and the others cringe but, with tears in his eyes, Joseph agrees. He relates to Ezekiel his own trials-he too was poisoned but his friend laid his hands on his head and healed him by the power of God who also told him if he were to fail to keep the promises he made God would find another worthy to be His prophet-he understands his responsibility. Yet, being spared from death does not mean equal ease from heartache and violence. Just a few nights ago, a mob attacked his house, dragging him outside, leaving one of his young adopted babies, already sick with measles, exposed to the cold who later died. He does not know why these things happen, but Brother Joseph knows, without a doubt, that the restored gospel is back on the earth again, blessing the lives of all. He wishes he could remove this burden of unbelief Ezekiel carries. Zeke tells Brother Joseph he has enough to be worried about. The two men thank each other and wish each other the best.
    Back at the inn where Susan is resting in her own room and the men are discussing the latest news from Independence, Missouri where the church is growing, Ezekiel excuses himself to take a walk. Philastus catches up to him, offering to buy him a drink, so he can return to the Inn and try and get Susan to open her door to him. She blatantly refuses. Later, as moonlight streams through the window, Ezekiel comes stumbling in, intoxicated. Earlier, Susan had been thrilled getting to meet the prophet and had written a letter home relating the experience. She covers her Papa with a blanket while he mumbles how she needn't worry, her father and brothers will always be here to take care of her. Susan just smiles and kisses his scruffy cheek (Ezekiel is always clean-shaven avoiding beards).

Chapter 14
One line of verse by Joseph E. Johnson

     Leaving Kirtland, the family will board with Lyman and Annie in Amherst while Lyman and his cousin Philastus visit Lyman's mother and his two unmarried sisters who live with her in an area just west of Amherst on the shores of Lake Erie. The women have all been baptized. Philastus eyes the younger daughter, who is sixteen, with lustful eyes.
    Susan apprehensively agrees to join Benjamin and Almon watching them fish along one of the rivers in the area of Amherst. Almon peppers her with questions about her family. Knowing he is digging for more info on Julianne, Susan smiles to herself as she informs Almon her older sister does have one other man interested in her, neglecting to mention the man is a forty-year-old, bald, widower with six children. Despite his bragging that he will catch the biggest fish, Almon quickly admits defeat as he spent most of his time that afternoon flirting and chatting with Susan giving Benjamin the advantage. It is now time to go. Ben goes ahead to show off the fish to Annie. Just as they reach the door of Annie's, Almon makes a clumsy proposal. He loves her family and would have one of the lovely Johnson sisters to wife. This upsets Susan who openly declares she knows which sister Almon really loves. Weeping, she begs him to be true to his own heart and pursue Julianne, not her (though such an admission is breaking her own heart). With hope in his eyes, Almon seeks her advice on how to prove himself to the more mature Juli. Susan encourages him to continue with his plans to become a lawyer so he can support a family and to let Juli know how he feels about her.
   Susan is very quiet all that evening, she eats little while the rest enjoy the fresh fish and retires to bed early. Uncomfortable by the talk of new revelations and other religious subjects, Zeke leaves for the tavern. Seth gently rebukes him, pleading with his father to pray to God for abstinence, to give up drinking. While Zeke will defend Joseph Smith as an honest man, he believes the boy suffers from delusional thinking and foolish dreams. He leaves the house, shutting the door hard behind him.
   Ben wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling something is wrong. He checks and discovers Seth is gone! Suffering from a strange mental state, Seth fled the house and ran all the way from Amhurst to Kirtland on foot. He is brought to the home of the prophet's parents where Seth rests. Brother Joseph comes to see him, Seth feels he is being consumed by flames. Joseph counsels him it is Satan, who also tormented him in the Sacred Grove. He lays his hands on Seth and gives him a blessing rebuking the evil spirit. Seth returns home with Don Carlos, feeling a little better but not completely healed. (This is a true story, recorded by Ben in his journals about his brother's "mania" he suffered for a period of time that had the entire family worried caused by their father's refusal to be redeemed from both drink and be converted.)
    Ezekiel is about to go looking for Seth when he and Don Carlos come stumbling into the clearing of the house. Ben rushes to hug his brother, sobbing with relief Seth is not dead. Ezekiel is frustrated hearing why Seth ran off. His mind is broken, there are no flames, he's being ridiculous. Seth is brought inside where Susan tends to him. Don Carlos, after explaining how he already knows David, Joel and Annie is welcomed by the thankful family.

Chapter 15
One short verse by George W. Johnson

    The party returns to Pomfret, New York. On the steamship, a friendly young man strikes up a conversation with Zeke. There a little town called Chicago developing over in Illinois, a promising place. Best part about it? No Mormons allowed. This gets Father Johnson thinking. His family really wants to relocate, perhaps they could all move there.
    Julia and the others are glad to see everyone who quickly scatter, some go straight over to the Shermans'. Susan isn't feeling well and goes upstairs to lie down. Next morning, Julia does her chores while her very youngest child, Amos, fusses before finally falling asleep. Seth is still troubled, even Julia can tell the calm, intelligent son that left four weeks ago returned a changed man. Something is very wrong. She talks to her husband about it who is convinced it's this Mormon religion that is ruining their lives. It took the life of a dear friend and now his son is ranting about hellfire and the family falling to pieces because he refused to give up drinking and join some foolish religion after meeting a man who claims to be a prophet. It's not for him. They will sell the farm and move next spring but NOT to Kirtland. The Shermans will be vacating their place. Seth can move in with one or two of his siblings to keep him company.
   As the fall harvest and projects are accomplished, the entire family works hard with the subject of religion left strictly alone while Father Johnson helps. Seth and Nancy talk one night at the cabin, with Nancy reclining on a cot, due to her bad leg. Seth is encouraged by Nancy's words of faith and hope in God. He is going through a refiner's fire and (like a future Elder Maxwell who battled cancer, see Elder Bednar's talk) he WILL NOT SHRINK.
   Delcena gives birth to a healthy baby boy. The entire family takes turns visiting, Nancy sends over cunning little baby clothes and other items for the two older girls so the Shermans know she is thinking of them. Father Zeke also pays a visit, happy to be a grandfather once again. He has sold the farm and the family will be moving next year.
   Seth travels to Kirtland to get Benjamin who stayed behind to help Annie and Joel with their own fall and winter harvest. But before he goes over to the house to see his brother, Seth first pays a visit to the Prophet's home where Emma recently gave birth to a baby boy they named Joseph Jr. Seth is doing better but is still troubled by the contention caused by his father's drinking and his plans to relocate the family to Chicago instead of Kirtland. After the visit, Seth takes a walk to a plot of land where, nearby sits a small schoolhouse where the Prophet often gathered others to teach and instruct. Like a vision, Seth beholds a two story house, a swing hanging from a nearby tree, his mother and all his younger, unmarried siblings enjoying various activities and perfect family harmony.
But when Seth tries to picture his father, he can't find him...
(The prophet did actually counsel Joel to purchase this very property, located on the Kirtland Flats which is now owned by church and now houses a visitor's center in a replica of a small house like the schoolhouse nearby. The property would later be in Julia's name)